
🚀 GitHub | 2025-03-05 10:08

Bot @ Github

🔥 今日 GitHub 热门仓库一览


1. 🔧 hedge-dev /UnleashedRecomp

Stars: 2617 • 📈 今日新增: 583语言C++

📝 描述:An unofficial PC port of the Xbox 360 version of Sonic Unleashed created through the process of static recompilation.

🤝 Built byhyperbx, blueskythlikesclouds, DarioSamo, DeaTh-G, Sajidur78

2. 🐍 virattt /ai-hedge-fund

Stars: 9612 • 📈 今日新增: 109语言Python

📝 描述:An AI Hedge Fund Team

🤝 Built byvirattt, seungwonme, KittatamSaisaard, andorsk, arsaboo

3. 🔧 LadybirdBrowser /ladybird

Stars: 33897 • 📈 今日新增: 1,538语言C++

📝 描述:Truly independent web browser

🤝 Built byawesomekling, trflynn89, linusg, AtkinsSJ, alimpfard

4. 🐍 ocrmypdf /OCRmyPDF

Stars: 20179 • 📈 今日新增: 469语言Python

📝 描述:OCRmyPDF adds an OCR text layer to scanned PDF files, allowing them to be searched

🤝 Built byjbarlow83, fritz-hh, dependabot, mawi12345, mara004

5. 🌐 immich-app /immich

Stars: 60104 • 📈 今日新增: 435语言TypeScript

📝 描述:High performance self-hosted photo and video management solution.

🤝 Built byalextran1502, jrasm91, renovate, michelheusschen, mertalev

6. 📦 nicbarker /clay

Stars: 11807 • 📈 今日新增: 307语言C

📝 描述:High performance UI layout library in C.

🤝 Built bynicbarker, FintasticMan, monodop, SuperOptimizer, bullno1

7. 🦀 tw93 /Pake

Stars: 36370 • 📈 今日新增: 212语言Rust

📝 描述:🤱🏻 Turn any webpage into a desktop app with Rust. 🤱🏻 利用 Rust 轻松构建轻量级多端桌面应用

🤝 Built bytw93, Tlntin, jeasonnow, pan93412, stone-w4tch3r

8. 🚦 hashicorp /terraform

Stars: 44396 • 📈 今日新增: 18语言Go

📝 描述:Terraform enables you to safely and predictably create, change, and improve infrastructure. It is a source-available tool that codifies APIs into declarative configuration files that can be shared amongst team members, treated as code, edited, reviewed, and versioned.

🤝 Built byjbardin, mitchellh, apparentlymart, stack72, catsby

9. 🌐 webdriverio /webdriverio

Stars: 9334 • 📈 今日新增: 16语言TypeScript

📝 描述:Next-gen browser and mobile automation test framework for Node.js

🤝 Built bychristian-bromann, dependabot, wdio-bot, dependabot-preview, mgrybyk

10. 📦 jackfrued /Python-100-Days

⭐⭐ Stars: 161699 • 📈 今日新增: 85语言Jupyter Notebook

📝 描述:Python - 100天从新手到大师

🤝 Built byjackfrued, softpo, geekya215, jankeromnes, royaso

11. ☕ apache /gravitino

Stars: 1321 • 📈 今日新增: 4语言Java

📝 描述:World's most powerful open data catalog for building a high-performance, geo-distributed and federated metadata lake.

🤝 Built byyuqi1129, jerryshao, mchades, FANNG1, justinmclean

12. 🌐 hoppscotch /hoppscotch

Stars: 68992 • 📈 今日新增: 158语言TypeScript

📝 描述:Open source API development ecosystem -https://hoppscotch.io(open-source alternative to Postman, Insomnia)

🤝 Built byliyasthomas, AndrewBastin, jamesgeorge007, dependabot-preview, nivedin

13. 📦 acmesh-official /acme.sh

Stars: 41459 • 📈 今日新增: 24语言Shell

📝 描述:A pure Unix shell script implementing ACME client protocol

🤝 Built byNeilpang, dkerr64, NerLOR, medmunds, stilez

14. 🐍 Soulter /AstrBot

Stars: 5207 • 📈 今日新增: 146语言Python

📝 描述:✨ 易上手的多平台 LLM 聊天机器人及开发框架 ✨ 平台支持 QQ、QQ频道、Telegram、微信、企微、飞书 | OpenAI、DeepSeek、Gemini、硅基流动、月之暗面、Ollama、OneAPI、Dify 等。附带 WebUI。

🤝 Built bySoulter, Fridemn, AraragiEro, Cvandia, diudiu62

15. 🔧 Floorp-Projects /Floorp

Stars: 6713 • 📈 今日新增: 40语言C++

📝 描述:All of source code of version 10 or later of Floorp Browser, the most Advanced and Fastest Firefox derivative 🦊

🤝 Built byemilio, moz-wptsync-bot, rvandermeulen, glandium, bzbarsky

16. 🐍 jjleng /copilot-more

Stars: 389 • 📈 今日新增: 24语言Python

📝 描述:GPT-4o and Claude-3.7-Sonnet APIs for coding.

🤝 Built byjjleng, RonjaPonja, wudong, rdavydov, ilyasaftr

🌈 每日开源之旅


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